Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Dear Parents,

Next week we will be studying about recycling and reusing materials in our enviroment.

Learning about recycling is part of our science TEKS. Your child should be able to make wise choices in the area of recycling materials.

Here are some really cool sites that will help your child learn how to properly recycle and reduce waste. Just click on the underlined words.

Rubbish Challenge helps your child learn what items can be recycled, which ones can be reused, and which ones to reduce. Just click on start and then drag and drop the right item onto the right square. If you get the answer right, the game moves you to the next square. But be quick because you're being timed. Have fun!

At the Ecokids site your child can play I Don't Want to Clean My Room. First there is a short comic strip to read with your child, and then it is time to help
Anita clean her room. Just click and drop each one of the items in her room into the right recycling bin. If you get it right a message shows up telling you why that item goes in that bin. Good Luck!

At the Activity Village you and your child can learn how to create a
home recyling center. This site gives step by step instructions on how to create the center in your very own home.

Ms. Lee

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