Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Water Cycle

Dear Parents,

We are now learning about the water cycle in our science class. All of the water on Earth is part of the water cycle.
This cycle has four parts:

1. evaporation
2. condensation
3. precipitation
4. accumulation.

Learning about the water cycle is part of our science TEKS. Your child should be able to describe and identify the significance of the the water cycle.

The follwing sites are for you and your child to explore together. Each site will help your child learn about the water cycle. Just click on the underlined word to get to the site.
At the Eviromental Kids Club site, your child can learn about the water cycle while watching the water evaporate right before their eyes. How Cool!
At the Woodlands Junior High site your child plays an interactive game, where they drag and drop the proper lables of the water cycle into the right spots. If they do not answer properly they can reset the game and try again. Good Luck!
This site allows your child to watch how the water cycle works along rivers and coasts. They can watch a short animation and learn key voabulary words. Just click start and have fun!
Ms. Lee

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