Sunday, October 5, 2008


Dear Parents,

This week we are studying the life cycle of frogs in our science class.
Frogs have four stages in their life:
1. Eggs
2. Tadpole
3. Metamorph
4. Frog

Studying the life cycle of animals is part of our science TEKS. Your child should be able to describe the life cycle of frogs.

Here are some interesting sites for you and your child to investigate together. All of the sites will help your child learn about the life cycle of frogs.
At this site your child can drag the pictures into the correct order for the life cycle of a frog. But first they must practice on the butterfly. How good is your memory?
This site offers more practice on putting the stages in the correct order. All you do is click on the picture that goes in box #1 and if you get the answer right you can move on to box #2.
This site is so neat. You and your child can follow the development from egg to tadpole to frog in these real life images.
Ms. Lee

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